Our planned giving is not meeting our planned expenses and this is happening year after year, producing for us a stewardship challenge! We challenge every family giving unit to give $50 more per month, not just for this year, but ongoing. This is not an ask for a stop-gap measure for this year, but a matter of raising the level of planned giving permanently. Can you give $50 more per month ongoing? We challenge you to give it a try and see if you can’t trust God to provide. You are going to find that God is faithful! Click here to let us know that you are taking on the challenge!


We appreciate your gifts in support of the ministry of Eden Prairie United Methodist Church or our ministry partners including PROP food shelf, Every Meal, Simpson Housing Services and United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR).


You may also give a Memorial Gift. Click "Memorials" as the fund and use the comment section on the second screen to name the person whom you wish to honor or remember.


Choose options in the drop down list (click on right side of "General Fund" to open the list) to indicate how your gift is to be used. We are grateful for your support of ministry through Eden Prairie United Methodist Church. The"Give Now" button also allows you to set up recurring gifts.